Container Proof/Post


The container posting is the process that will load and discharge containers, updating equipment master, as any other movements that affect the containers. To load and discharge containers, they have to appear in the container view program, this is the first step of the process. Only manifested containers will appear on the container view, with the exception of empty containers that may be added through the same program, by selecting the add empty container option, which will automatically create the bill of lading, if port set up to do so . Vessel convenience containers will appear here as well. Empty containers will be characterized by the weight and the type of movement, which will be zero and C/C, respectively.


The second step is to run the Container control proof, which is a report that is good to run prior to loading, in case there is any discrepancy. This is located under the traffic\container control\Post container control job


The third step is to run the post (load/discharge) containers. This program requires the job\voyage, ports (All ports may be used) and it can perform both loading and discharging of the containers, or Load can be done first and then when containers arrive at their destination, the discharge of the container can take place. All these movements affect the Equipment Master. Make sure to check the master after posting, to verify that the movements LODF and DCHF for the selected voyage are part of the history. If you do not see the movement, check the dates of the most current movement, there may be a discrepancy


If a container is loaded\discharged by mistake, audit level security users will be able to un-post the container by highlighting it in the Container View program (also called Select Equipment to post) and by right-clicking on the mouse they will get the option to do so. This will affect the equipment master and will enable the container to be deleted, or posted under another job, depending on the case