Special keys


The GDZ-ISIS system has a number of function keys that produce standard results throughout the program.  Since all the ISIS programs are developed in windows, the functionality of the keys is the same. The next table shows a list of the most used throughout the programs





Finds a previously saved record. This key also allows the users to move from one field to the next one, within the same program.



Accept an entry to a field and continue with the program. (In the last field of the screen, hitting <Enter> will save the new data to the database and, when applicable, issue the document number, such as booking, dock receipt, or TIR number.) In detail data entry sections, it will show further information about a highlighted line item.



Ctrl Del

Deletes a line of information in most detail data entry sections.   Will not delete an entire record, such as a booking, but will delete a line item in the detail of the booking or any similar detail data entry screen (bill of lading, dock receipt, etc.).   Will delete line items from most scroller-type screens, such as the forwarder and shipper databases.  *Note: Supervisor privileges may be required to use this function, as determined by each program.



Inserts a line item in detail data entry sections


Ctrl N

Opens a blank document, ready to be edited

Page Down


Find the next record in alphabetical or numerical sequence in relation to the field the cursor is at

Page Up

Find the previous record in alphabetical or numerical sequence in relation to the field the cursor is at.




This key along with a letter that has previously been selected in the short-cut feature in the main menu, will open a specific program


Alt A will assign as soon as possible, ASAP in a booking spotting section

Alt T will assign to be defined, TBD in a booking spotting section


Space bar

To insert a check mark, for example in the inventory by detail to authorize to stuff or to load as brek-bulk

Ctrl Home

It clears the screen to start with a new document

Ctrl End

Moves the cursor to the detail of the document