Forwarder, Forwarder Advance and Brokerage commission


The Forwarders are companies, that as any other company in ISIS in order to be used has to exist in the CMS They have an identification, which is called the FMC number, this number has to be assigned to the forwarder, before it is used in the documents, especially the Bills of lading. When forwarders with the right FMC number are used in the B/L’; the program will generate an Accounts Payable invoice corresponding to a Freight Forwarder Commission,


The Bill of lading has a field for the Forwarder advance. When it is available, at the moment of rating the B/L the amount will be assigned to the rate screen, in both the receivable and the payable part. When posted the B/L, it will generate an invoice payable to the forwarder. The program needs to be setup accordingly. It requires a valid forwarder, and an entry in the rating defaults for this charge, Freight Forwarder advance, under the General group with the amount zero